Additional Folder URL Parameters

When you are embedding a folder of documents, you can also add additional parameters to the embed code to make your embedded folders behave in a certain way.n Also, when you embed folders of documents a visitor can click on documents in that folder that were not created in Keep&Share (such as PDFs) and that document will instantly start downloading to their computer.

In the examples below, the link for your folder of documents will be highlighted in yellow and the added URL parameter to your folder link will be in bold.

URL Parameters

Display download link – If you have a paid account, you can use the “&dd=y” parameter that will provide a “download folder” command that download the entire folder as a ZIP file. By default, this link will not appear unless you use this parameter, even if you have a paid account.


<iframe src="" width="900" height="700" align="center" scrolling="yes" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Do not display folder name – By default, the name of your Folder will show when it is embedded. The “&noname=y” parameter will tell your embedded file to not display your folder name


do not display folder name

What the code looks like:

<iframe src="" width="900" height="700" align="center" scrolling="yes" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Show only starred files – The “&star=y” parameter will show only files that have been marked with a gold star in your embedded folder. Note: this parameter is “sticky” through a browser session, so if you want to remove its effect it you can set it to “&star=n.”


embedding folders of starred documents

What the code looks like:

<iframe src="" width="900" height="700" align="center" scrolling="yes" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Show files in date order – The “&date=y” parameter will list your files in your embedded folder by date and not by alphabetical order, which is the default.


What the code looks like:

<div class="light-gray">
<iframe src="" width="900" height="700" align="center" scrolling="yes" frameborder="0"></iframe>

You can combine any of these URL parameters and add them onto the same embedded code. All you need to do is add them onto the source code for the embed frame. In the example below, we have embedded a folder that shows the files in date order, shows only starred files, and displays a download link.


embedding folders of documents

What the code looks like:

<iframe src="" width="900" height="700" align="center" scrolling="yes" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Additional Folder URL Parameters

You can use other parameters in your embedded folder code to control how your folder looks and works. Below is a chart of what parameters you can use and how to use them.

Parameter Description
&bkc=###### Item table background

You will replace the "######" with the six digit hex code for the color that you want to use. For example, if you wanted the background to be white the added parameter would be "&bkc=ffffff
&mbc=###### Menu bar background color

You will replace the "######" with the six digit hex code for the color that you want to use.
&mbtc=###### Menu bar text color

You will replace the "######" with the six digit hex code for the color that you want to use.
&ic=###### Item background color

You will replace the "######" with the six digit hex code for the color that you want to use.
&ic2=###### Alternating item background color

You will replace the "######" with the six digit hex code for the color that you want to use.
&itc=###### Item text color

You will replace the "######" with the six digit hex code for the color that you want to use.
&bc=###### Border color

You will replace the "######" with the six digit hex code for the color that you want to use.
&hc=###### Header background color

You will replace the "######" with the six digit hex code for the color that you want to use.
&htc=###### Header text color

You will replace the "######" with the six digit hex code for the color that you want to use.
&nomenu=y Disable display of the menu bar

You will replace the "######" with the six digit hex code for the color that you want to use.
&noprint=y Disable display of the print icon for the embedded folder
&noviewmenu=y Sisable display of the list/card view menu button
&noname=y Disable display of the folder name
&sb=sbmd Sort files in embedded folder by modified date ascending
&sb=sbmdr Sort files in embedded folder bymodified date descending
&sb=sbt Sort files in embedded folder by title ascending
&sb=sbtr Sort files in embedded folder by title descending
&sb=sbfc Sort files in embedded folder by folder name
&sb=sbfcr Sort files in embedded folder by folder name descending
&vw=card Make the default files display in "card" view
&vw=list Make the default files display in "list" view
&md=## Maximum number of items to display

You will change the "##" to the number of files you want to display in the folder.